澳洲幸运10在线开奖官方-免费查询澳洲幸运10开奖结果+开奖记录历史-现场观看开奖直播视频-Hydro Power Technologies
Innovative, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Solutions
Globally in 2017, mankind used more than a million terajoules (TJ) of energy (1) and in 2018 this amount increased by 2.3% (2).
This is the fastest pace in the last decade and with the population increasing at dramatic rates and industrialization continuing to rise, it is apparent that our need for energy has reached unprecedented levels.
In addition to make matters worse, more than half of our energy comes from fossil fuels which is inextricably linked to climate change.
We all agree that we need to find additional sources of energy,
but it also needs to be clean energy solutions.
Implementing a shift in where we get our energy is one of
the grand challenges facing our planet today.
最新澳洲幸运10开奖记录 开奖结果历史 澳洲10历史开奖号码走势 Next Generation in Hydro Production
HPT has developed a proprietary hydraulic transient control valve system called The Hammer1 System to propel impact turbine driven electrical generators.
The Hammer1 System creates turbine inlet water projectile velocities that are projected to be 1.25 times greater than the velocity produced by conventional continuous flow impact turbine nozzles.
As the power output of an impact turbine increases by the square foot of the inlet velocity, the Hammer1 System technology has the potential to increase the efficiency of new and existing turbines.